Code of Conduct
A. Every Student must:
Come to school neat in neat and clean and in proper uniform and with shoes well polished.
Be regular in attendance.
Never be late to school.
Attend morning and evening assembly and devotional services without fail.
Have sportsmen-spirit at all times, be fair and honest at work and always be considerate of the right of others.
Be courteous and respectful to parents, teacher and visitors.
Look after and protect the property of the school, keep it clean and tidy.
Keep the class room neat and throw waste-paper wrappers etc. in the waste-paper basket.
Reach the class rooms as soon as the warning bell rings or the recess is over.
Don't bring plastic bags in school.
B. Every student must not:
Bring articles of value such as rings, or other pieces of jewelry to the school. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of such articles.
Lend or borrow money or any other article.
Shout or make noise in the school building or create confusion in the auditorium or class room.
Leave cycles unlocked or ride in the school room.
C. Points to remember:
Never omit the lesson or home assigned. It is like missing a train that you never catch afterwards.
Never postpone what you can do today.